Following are the symbolic representation of three different roles:
- u is for user
- g is for group
- o is for others
- a is for all
Following are the symbolic representation of three different permissions:
- r is for read permission
- w is for write permission
- x is for execute permission
This is called octal notation because the binary numbers are converted to base-8 by using the digits 0 to 7:
- 7, rwx, read, write, and execute
- 6, rw-, read and write
- 5, r-x, read and execute
- 4, r–, read only
- 3, -wx, write and execute
- 2, -w-, write only
- 1, –x, execute only
- 0, —, none
The format of a chmod command
chmod [who][+,-,=][permissions] filename
There are two ways to give permissions.
Here is the equivalent command using octal permissions notation.
chmod 754 file.txt
This example uses symbolic permissions notation.
chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=r file.txt
a+x is same as +x
chmod -R +w,g=rw,o-rw, ~/group-project-files/
Copying permissions
The parameter g=u means grant group permissions to be same as the user’s.
chmod g=u ~/myFile.txt
Making a File Executable
chmod +x ~/
Add single permission to a file/directory
chmod u+x filename
Add multiple permission to a file/directory
chmod u+r,g+x filename
Remove permission from a file/directory
chmod u-rx filename
Change permission for all roles on a file/directory
Following code assigns execute privilege to user, group and others (basically anybody can execute this file).
chmod a+x filename
Make permission for a file same as another file (using reference)
file2’s permission will be set exactly same as file1’s permission.
chmod –reference=file1 file2
Apply the permission to all the files under a directory recursively
chmod -R 755 directory-name/
Change execute permission only on the directories (files are not affected)
chmod u+X *