Month: October 2018
Node.js Filter array of objects from file using ES6, ES7, Promise, Async/Await
You can find some good sample usages in this code such as Promise, Async/Await, spread/rest of array.
C# Pipeline Handler & Logger
I have created a demo project for log handler and TryCatch wrapper (
I need a logger which can write to console and file at the same time. So, I created this demo which creates logger pipeline dynamicly. When code runs, it will write message in console and FileLog.log file at the same time.
Node.js Long-running requests with RabbitMQ
It is a very simple example to show how to handle long-running requests in Node.js with RabbitMQ.
You need to have a RabbitMQ docker in development machine.
Install RabbitMQ with Docker
Node.js Get Git UserDetails as Asynchronous with Async/Await and Promise (ES6, ES7)
Node.js Get Git UserDetails as Asynchronous with Promise (ES6)
I implemented ES6 syntax for below example.
Node.js Get Git UserDetails as Asynchronous with Promise (ES5)
Node.js Get Git UserDetails as Asynchronous with Promise (ES5)
This Node.js code will get git user details. I used standard ES5 functions and promise.
Docker VirtualBox with Vagrant
If you have installed Vagrant CLI (, just run the following command to create docker installed virtual box.
The following command will download Vagrant box from Vagrant Cloud.
vagrant init kenanhancer/DockerMachine
This command will up and run the virtual machine in your VirtualBox. So you need to install VirtualBox as well 🙂
vagrant up
If you want to check status of virtual machine, run the following command.
vagrant status
If you want to see ports of virtual machine, run the following command.
vagrant port
to connect created virtual machine, run the following command in the Vagrantfile directory.
vagrant ssh
if you want to see details of Vagrantfile, check it as below.
Creating a Vagrant Package file
vagrant package --output --vagrantfile Vagrantfile
Pushing Created Vagrant Package to Vagrant Cloud
After you create a Vagrant Package, run the following command in the package file location.
vagrant push