Month: June 2018
Groovy Coding Style
Groovy Strings
Groovy Variables and Data Types
Groovy Object Oriented Example
Groovy Hello World
Groovy basic example
Modify File Permissions with Linux chmod command (Ownership and Permissions)
Following are the symbolic representation of three different roles:
- u is for user
- g is for group
- o is for others
- a is for all
Following are the symbolic representation of three different permissions:
- r is for read permission
- w is for write permission
- x is for execute permission
This is called octal notation because the binary numbers are converted to base-8 by using the digits 0 to 7:
- 7, rwx, read, write, and execute
- 6, rw-, read and write
- 5, r-x, read and execute
- 4, r–, read only
- 3, -wx, write and execute
- 2, -w-, write only
- 1, –x, execute only
- 0, —, none
The format of a chmod command
chmod [who][+,-,=][permissions] filename
There are two ways to give permissions.
Here is the equivalent command using octal permissions notation.
chmod 754 file.txt
This example uses symbolic permissions notation.
chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=r file.txt
a+x is same as +x
chmod -R +w,g=rw,o-rw, ~/group-project-files/
Copying permissions
The parameter g=u means grant group permissions to be same as the user’s.
chmod g=u ~/myFile.txt
Making a File Executable
chmod +x ~/
Add single permission to a file/directory
chmod u+x filename
Add multiple permission to a file/directory
chmod u+r,g+x filename
Remove permission from a file/directory
chmod u-rx filename
Change permission for all roles on a file/directory
Following code assigns execute privilege to user, group and others (basically anybody can execute this file).
chmod a+x filename
Make permission for a file same as another file (using reference)
file2’s permission will be set exactly same as file1’s permission.
chmod –reference=file1 file2
Apply the permission to all the files under a directory recursively
chmod -R 755 directory-name/
Change execute permission only on the directories (files are not affected)
chmod u+X *