How to compile and run Java Projects with java and javac commands


-d is output directory for new generated class files.

How to compile single Java source file

javac -d ./target/classes src/main/java/com/extuni/enum_demo4/

How to compile multiple Java source files

javac -d ./target/classes 

How to compile multiple Java source files using wildcard

javac -d ./target/classes ./src/main/**/*.java

How to specify dependency jar file when compiling

Trying to compile ./src folder completely will throw exception due to junit.jar file dependency. So, it should be specified using -cp option which means –classpath as below.

javac -d ./target/classes -cp /Users/kenanhancer/.m2/repository/junit/junit/4.11/junit-4.11.jar ./src/**/*.java
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How to create and run Java project with Maven

You can find more details in

1. Creating a Java Project with Maven

mvn archetype:generate 
for example
mvn archetype:generate 
Maven Directory Layout
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