I use Vagrant for local development in order to build any development environment. For example, when I need a Kubernetes multi node cluster, I can demonstrate with Vagrant quickly(https://kenanhancer.com/2019/09/08/kubernetes-multi-node-cluster-with-one-updated-vagrant-file/). After I complete my exercise about any technology, I also publish to Vagrant Cloud so that it can be used later without wasting time. But, I am not using only Vagrant, there are different technologies and there are different CLI for them. So, if I don't use one technology sometime, I can forget some important commands. That's why, this post is important for me to remember Vagrant CLI 🙂
To read more information about Vagrant CLI https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/cli/ follow official link.
You can reach GitHub repository from https://github.com/kenanhancer/vagrant-docker-box.git
Discovering Vagrant Boxes
We can find Vagrant boxes from this link https://app.vagrantup.com/boxes/search . Vagrant Cloud UI looks like in the following screenshot.
Vagrant Cloud (Login, Logout)
vagrant cloud auth login --check
vagrant cloud auth logout
vagrant cloud auth login
Creating a new Vagrant file
vagrant init hashicorp/precise64
Starting Vagrant machine
vagrant up
Shut down Vagrant machine
vagrant halt
Connecting with SSH
vagrant ssh
Learning Status of Vagrant machine
vagrant status
Learning Ports of Vagrant machine
vagrant port
Destroying Vagrant machine
vagrant destroy
Creating a Vagrant Package
vagrant package --output dockermachine.box --vagrantfile Vagrantfile
Publishing a Vagrant Package
vagrant cloud publish kenanhancer/DockerMachine 0.0.4 virtualbox ./dockermachine.box -d "A really cool box to download and use" --version-description "A cool version" --release --short-description "Download me"